From: Jxxxxx X Xxxxx []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:24 AM
Subject: Patent Business
Hi RJon: How do I build a successful Intellectual Property practice. I am a highly experienced patent attorney, litigator and trial lawyer. But, my business base is very low. Do you have a course for IP attorneys. Please see my website: Thanks. Joe
Jxxxxxx Xxxxx, Esq.
Of Counsel
Oxxxxxxx, Fxxxxx & Sxxx, LLP
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nw York, New York xxxxxx
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Hi Jxxx,
I don’t have a course specifically for IP lawyers, but even if I did I’d suggest that based on what you’re telling me perhaps you should begin with the basics anyway. You know, there are plenty of lawyers generating tons of great business just by mastering the basics and repeating the basic fundamentals over & over again. Sometimes I think there’s so much excitement for technology or some supposedly “latest & greatest” approach to law firm marketing that we forget that the basics have worked for a hundred years & from what I can tell, it seems they will continue to work for the next hundred years.
What you’ll learn in my How To Market A Small Law Firm program are three basic/fundamental rainmaking skills that lawyers in all different kinds of practices are using quite successfully:
PR/Advertising – From what I can see on your website you don’t seem to have a clear “message”. I’m not criticizing or suggesting the solution is a bunch of fancy graphics. I actually quite like the look & feel of your design. What I’m talking about is that there’s nothing on your website, and therefore I suspect nothing in any of your other marketing materials or endeavors that really tells a story or captures a prospective client’s attention or interest and therefore distinguishes you from the pack. So you’re a great IP lawyer? I wouldn’t even be talking to you if I didn’t think that already. Now you have to make me feel like I have a connection with you and that you really care about me OR my intellectual property. Or even that you don’t give a crap about me, but that for some reason that hooks me, you’re just obsessed with protecting people’s IP rights. But there has to be a hook that lets people get excited about doing business with YOU or else you’re just a commodity. And don’t worry about offending some people. If you do anything that excites anyone, there will be someone else who is offended by it. Excited people hire you and go around telling others about you. Non-offended people don’t do much but not be offended.
Networking – It is a fundamental marketing principle when it comes to professional services that people don’t buy your services until they have bought you. Forget about driving traffic to your site or fancy/expensive ads. My program will teach you how to get out there & make connections with & maintain those connections with people who are in a position to refer business to you. Stable & profitable practices need stable & dependable networks of referral sources who will give & receive referrals amongst themselves. Otherwise, life is tough.
Sales Calls – At the end of the day, all the advertising & networking in the world isn’t going to do you any good unless you know what to do once you’re face to face with a prospective new client or a potential referral source. My program teaches you four simple steps that you can screw-up pretty badly & still close every sales call with a better result than without these four steps. I promise, once you learn & practice a few times you’ll wonder how you ever got through a sales call without this simple framework.
If you’re serious about building your practice, I’d suggest you save yourself $300 and consider joining my Bronze Coaching Program for just $39 per month. You’ll get the How To Market A Small Law Firm program as a FREE gift and then each week we’ll walk you through implementation of the skills & techniques you’ll learn in the audio program.
Anyway, hope that helps,
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