Audrey Chisholm says:
RJON, where can I get the forms of the Client Ledger and Overall
Firm Journal? When I watched the video, it did not appear as a slide and
I was unable to save them or print them out. Thanks!
Here it is Audrey:
Download Sample ledgers & Journal
In case you HAVEN'T seen it yet, what Audrey is asking about is a free gift I shared with her that you can still get for FREE too.
It's called “A Simple System For How To Manage A Law Firm Client Property Trust Account That WON'T Make You Feel Like A Schmuck!”
Because any lawyer who has ever started his or her own law firm and who DIDN'T feel like a schmuck about being charged with the responsibility for accounting for our clients property, setting up an IOLTA account, etc., either:
a. Is too embarrassed to admit it; or
b. Really IS a schmuck because learning how to manage your IOLTA isn't something they teach us in law school and it's not the sort of thing you just pick-up from experience. You either learn how to do it, or you can be pretty sure you're flying blind. And only a fool (that's what Schmuck means in Yiddish) takes responsibility for something he or she doesn't know anything about; or
c. Has had some sort of financial training before going to law school. Like maybe they have an MBA, or a finance degree or studied book keeping or accounting.
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July 29, 2010 at 8:15 pm