Is It Time To Hire Your Dragon?

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

This week, we’re kicking off a two-part series about “Dragons”—which is how RJon’s company refers to sales people. In Part 1, taken from his member’s only meeting in Orlando in 2018, RJon helps his members get ready to hire their first dragon.

Let’s go to the vault!

How Do You WANT To Be Living

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

In today’s episode—which is taken from his quarterly members-only meeting from January 2020—RJon talks about the difference between a “want” and a “need.” This exercise will help you get over yourself and focus on living how you actually WANT to be living.

Let’s go to the vault!

Build More Value!

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

Today’s episode is Part two from RJon’s January 2022 presentation on ways to delight your best clients by raising your fees. This lesson covers six more creative ways to supercharge your services with built-in value that costs you nothing and will have your clients happy to pay more for them. Be sure to check out Part one first!

Let’s go to the vault!

Build Value and Raise Your Rates

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

In today's lesson—Part one of two taken from RJon’s quarterly members-only meeting in January 2022—RJon shares a list of creative ways to build in tons of value to your services so you can raise your prices and make your clients happy at the same time. And the best part? Each idea will cost you little to nothing in cost-of-goods-sold… which means you’re boosting your profits.

Let’s go to the vault!

Boring and Very, Very Profitable

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

In the final episode of our four-part series on sales, RJon talks through the process of “closing the deal” with a prospective new client. Spoiler alert: this strategy is BORING. But if done right, it is very, very effective. Be sure to check out Part Three of this month’s sales series before listening to this episode.

Let’s go to the vault!

The Sales Call to End All Sales Calls

Welcome inside the vault. This is a collection of previously unreleased lessons from eight-figure entrepreneurial mastermind RJon Robins. And in case you didn’t see the warning label – this content can be explicit and it is for serious entrepreneurs only.

Today we’re diving into Part Three of our four-part sales series taken from RJon’s 2022 live quarterly meeting in Phoenix. In this episode, RJon shares the exact, step-by-step sales call model he's used to sell over $100 million dollars in professional services. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Let’s go to the vault!