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RJon Robins was a featured guest on Bill Hauser's podcast about the state of law firm marketing in 2023

rjon robins podcast

The State of Law Firm Marketing in 2023

Listen to a great discussion between RJon Robins and Bill Hauser as they discuss the landscape of law firm marketing in 2023.

Some of the things they discuss:
Law school celebrates people who sacrifice the most and endure the most and prepares and indoctrinates students to go out and work for big law firms where the more you can endure, the more you can suffer. I’ve always believed that we should be focusing on creating value.

Law firms are phenomenal businesses when they’re run the right way. I believe in objectivism, creating value for the sake of creating value.

The main thing distinguishing human beings from animals is our ability to consciously and intentionally create value and build a world that suits us. Unfortunately, most people in society teach you that you should take pride in how much you suffer, take pride in your sacrifice, take pride in how much you endure, and take pride in how much you can do without.

What are the things you believe about marketing that most people would disagree with you on? The number one thing is to lead with your message, lead with your mission, lead with your heart, lead with “Okay, why you do what you do, and don’t try to put forth this polished, perfect, politically correct story.” Be real; that’s very rare in the legal industry. Most people disagree; they want to be polished, they want to be perfect, and they want their story to be politically correct. You know they want to be the hero of Their Own Story.

Listen now!

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