You Are What You Believe

This week we’re sharing the second part of RJon’s lesson about understanding who you really are. In this episode, RJon explains why our beliefs dictate who we are, and why it’s so important that we recognize what’s happening.

Who Are You?

Today, we’re sharing part 1 of a two-part episode taken from a lesson RJon gave during his January 2016 live quarterly meeting in Malibu. He starts with a simple question. But answering the question takes serious work, and it has serious implications for the future success of your business.

Break Up With Your Past And Present Self

Today, RJon continues his lesson about decision-making from his April 2015 Live Quarterly Meeting in Los Angeles. In this episode, you’ll learn a deceptively simple secret about how to become a million-dollar business.

REAL Decisions = Power

In today’s lesson, RJon explains how modern technology has allowed us to become lazy decision-makers. Taken from his members-only meeting in April 2015, this episode will show you how to take back power over your own life by making REAL decisions.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

This episode comes from the January 2021 Live Quarterly Meeting. This was RJon’s first in-person members-only meeting following COVID shutdowns, and he shares some timely advice about running your business in the aftermath of the pandemic that is still true right now: get comfortable being uncomfortable!

Give Value to Get Value

In this episode—taken from the How to Manage Live Quarterly Meeting in Palm Springs in 2017—RJon shares a very personal story from his life in order to help you understand a deceptively simple formula that can change everything for you and your business.